
My favorite month used to be September. I say “used to be” because it’s been years since I’ve woken up to those bright, crisp mornings, with the sun casting longer shadows as the days begin to shorten–the smell and feel of Autumn in the air. The acute awareness of the changing season reverberates within, rejuvenating my heart and quickening my mind. Where I live in Southern California, I usually don’t get to experience those sensations until November. But this year is seemingly different–as we turn the page of the calendar to this particular September, I am sensing a change like I’ve never experienced before. There appears to be a convergence of many events with geopolitical, religious, and/or biblical implications that are interesting to note and hard to ignore.

I remember watching the news when the stock market crashed on September 29, 2008. For me, that was when a particular sense of foreboding began that was hard to describe or put into words. It seemed to come to me when doing one of my favorite things—floating in our pool, thankful for one of life’s simple pleasures. Even so, it was as if there were storm clouds beyond the horizon and even though they weren’t visible I sensed their presence. And ever since then, over seven years ago, those storm clouds never fully dissipated and now seem to be moving closer into view. I have never been able to shake the feeling away or fully ignore them.

Aha, you say! You are just a Debbie Downer, always looking at life through dark lenses. No, I don’t think so at all! I love life and try to live it to the fullest! I have much to be thankful for! But if there is a storm coming I can’t ignore it. And now that I believe it’s getting closer, I can’t continue on as if nothing is happening and smile and pretend, just so I won’t upset everyone I care about or rain on their parade. At my core I am a mom—and a wife, and a sister, and a daughter, and a friend. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t at least try to tell you about all of these things we are writing about on this blog? I don’t ever want to see the look in your eyes and have you ask me, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

This isn’t easy, writing about these things, because I can only imagine what some of you may be thinking. And in writing this particular post, where I list some things that have really gotten our attention, Lori and I both realize we need to be very careful with what we say. We don’t want to be sensational and sound like we’re saying this or that is going to happen. So, I want to clarify that is not what we’re doing. These are things that are on the calendar in September—anyone can look them up to see for themselves. Granted, we believe they could be more pieces of the puzzle falling into place. It’s highly unusual to see different categories of items converging together all at once. That’s what has our attention—the convergence. But I’ll say again, nothing at all may come of any of this, at least in September. These may just be precursors of the trajectory of history which may take years to play out. It’s been said, prophecy is the mold into which God pours history. In my thinking, it’s better to be aware of these things than not. And if nothing else, it sure is interesting to watch!

So having said that, I’ve posted a partial list of items below that are on the calendar for September that could hold some significance on the prophetic timeline. I’ve mentioned before how I’ve been aware of this general outline of the Last Days scenario since the late 80s, and over the past few years I’ve been watching with amazement as more and more pieces fall into place, at an ever-quickening pace. Now we are entering the Fall of 2015, where even more things could be aligning as prophesied. I have narrowed the list down to the topics that are of interest to me (the Jewish holidays, the Shemitah, the partial solar eclipse and blood moon, among others). Since I believe future events will include the Rapture of the church, the rise of a one-world ruler after a peace treaty has been negotiated and signed in the Middle East with Israel and her neighbors, a global economic collapse, war or wars in the Middle East, the Seven-Year Tribulation, which will occur before the literal, visual return of Jesus Christ at His Second Coming to set up His Millennial Kingdom on earth, these items could be of significance:

  • September 12-13: The end of the Sabbatical year–the 29th day of Elul–or “Shemitah” (the last year of the seven-year cycle), which is associated with financial issues, debt forgiveness, economic problems, recession, and declines in the stock market.  (Rabbi Jonathan Cahn goes into detail about the Shemitah, and lays out patterns of prior Shemitah years. For instance, just the last two Elul 29s at the end of the Shemitah year produced two of the largest Dow Jones sell-offs in history. In 2001, an estimated $1.4 trillion was wiped out in five days of trading. In 2008, $1.2 trillion was wiped out.)  
  • Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish Feast of Trumpets) begins at sundown on September 13 and ends at sundown on September 15. (I am just learning about the significance of the Feasts. The spring feasts picture the events surrounding Jesus Christ’s first coming, and the fall feasts picture the events surrounding His second coming.  He fulfilled perfectly each of the spring feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Feast of Firstfruits, and the Feast of Pentecost. Logic follows that the fall feasts will be perfectly fulfilled by Christ’s second coming. I hope to elaborate more in a future post about the significance of the Jewish feasts.)
  • September 13:  Partial solar eclipse takes place (It will not be visible in Israel, North America, or Europe but only in parts of the extreme southern hemisphere.)
  • September 15: The 70th UN General Assembly will begin meeting where France is expected to present a resolution to the UN Security Council to divide Israel and force a peace treaty on Israel and the Palestinian Authority.  
  • September 17-18: The US Congress votes to either approve or disapprove the Iranian nuclear deal.
  • September 22-23: Yom Kippur (or the Day of Atonement) begins at sundown. This will mark the beginning of the next year of Jubilee (the 50th year) the cancellation of debts, restoration of land to the original owners, etc. Generally speaking, however, if a nation or people have abandoned God, this signals judgment.
  • September marks the beginning of the 70th Jubilee cycle (a year of Jubilee happens after 7 cycles of 7, or 49 years). (Admittedly this is conjecture on my part, but could this be the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week, generally referred to as the Seven-Year Tribulation or the time of Jacob’s Trouble?)
  • September 23: Pope Francis is scheduled to visit the White House for discussions with President Obama about wealth redistribution, religious freedom, immigration (elimination of borders), and climate change.
  • September 24: Pope Francis is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress about world peace, religious values (most likely the need for a world religion), caring for the poor, etc.
  • September 25: Pope Francis is scheduled to address the UN in New York City. He has stated he wants to reduce the world’s population, regulate global climate change, establish a global constitution, establish a global court, and establish a one-world government. He will also hold a Mass at Madison Square Garden.
  • September 25-27: The UN plans to hold a Sustainable Development Summit to expand the role of global governance (world government). They plan to discuss global economic issues, climate change, and global education.
  • September 28: The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).
  • September 28: The fourth blood moon in the current Tetrad occurs. (This will be a super blood-red moon over Jerusalem and the Middle East on this first day of Sukkot, the fourth blood moon in the past two years. The first was on the first day of Passover 2014, the second on the first day of Sukkot in 2015, the third on the first day of Passover 2015. This is a rare phenomenon of four blood moons occurring on Jewish holy days, considered by some to be God signaling to us something of prophetic significance concerning the nation of Israel. For instance, there was a blood moon tetrad after Israel became a nation in 1949-1950 and after Jerusalem was captured in 1967-1968. What is unusual about this tetrad is that they all appeared on Jewish holy days, a phenomenon that has occurred only eight times since 1 AD and won’t occur again for another 500 years.)
  • And then there is the additional possibility of a number of other unexpected things that could occur in September or later this fall (terrorism, a natural disaster, etc.)—again, if we are in the Last Days, and we are seeing signs of birth pangs, then we will see evidence of other signs if a true convergence is starting to take shape.

Okay, so bottom line–what is the point of all of this? Why does it matter? I believe it matters because if events are continuing to line up as God has laid out in Scripture, then the major events of the Last Days could be right at our door. Meaning Jesus Christ will be coming soon! It’s time to wake up and take note of what’s happening so you won’t be caught off guard. It’s really all about Jesus and whether or not you have a relationship with Him. Salvation is found in Him and Him alone, and He is the only place of safety from the coming storm. And I want to encourage my loved ones that in spite of the trying times ahead, God is in control. He is trustworthy and true and wants us to know it—He alone can say what is going to happen in the future and then fulfill His plans perfectly.  He loves you. He cares. He’s calling. “[He] desires all people to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.” (1 Timothy 2:4-6)

Holding fast,


And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:19-21)

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)


5 thoughts on “Convergence”

  1. His Lisa. I came back and read your very informative posting this morning after our Pastor spoke on the Rapture and the fulfillment of the 4 Spring feasts. I admit that I was totally unaware of the events and the possible prophetical connection that you wrote about. Thank you for opening my eyes and my interest. I do know that God is faithful to keep His promises and the events around the Rapture and what is to follow makes our Salvation through His grace all the more precious. Lord, help us to share Your word with others whether these events unfold now or further in the future. No matter when we get to see Jesus, it will be a totally AWESOME event.
    Love you

      • Hi Mark! Thank you for reminding me that I am His! And thank you for your comments. I’m still learning about the Feasts of the Lord but I think it is so exciting to learn about how the Old Testament contains so many foreshadows of what Christ accomplished in the New Testament! And the Feasts in particular — they were like dress rehearsals for the real deal — fulfilled by Jesus himself! It only makes sense that the Fall feasts will be fulfilled perfectly as the Spring feasts were. I join you in your prayer — Lord, help us to share your Word with others! And yes, it will be AWESOME! Love you too, Lisa

  2. Great post! I find it interesting that most people who read books look forward to the last chapter in order to know the ending. However, when it comes to the Bible I see the majority of people not too interested in how it all wraps up, or think its best not to focus on it like it is less important than the rest of the Bible. Makes no sense to me – but, maybe thats why God also wrote this specifically about Revelation: “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” (Revelation 1:3)

    Amen, love you and thank you for writing this!

    • Thank you Lori, and I agree with you. What appears uncomfortable or inconvenient or scary turns into a blessing because really, Revelation (and the other parts of the Bible related to Revelation and prophecy) is the revealing of Jesus Christ. The curtains are pulled back and we get a glimpse of Him in all of His glory and it’s exciting to think that one day, maybe soon, we will see HIm clearly, face-to-face! Layer upon layer upon layer of Truth all fulfilled perfectly in Him.


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