About Us

Let us introduce ourselves!

We are Lisa and Lori, sisters and friends.  Our early years were shaped by our West Texas upbringing where we were close as little girls.  We grew up and ventured out in different directions — Lisa raised a family in California while Lori’s adventures took her from Texas to California, Georgia, Arizona, and then back to Texas again where she ultimately settled and raised her son. Although the miles still separate us, to our amazement we have discovered that our paths have now converged into a singular passion:  A strong desire to pass on all we’re learning from the Scriptures to our family and friends who might not otherwise realize the Bible’s relevance in today’s world.

One of us is fairly new to this exciting journey of faith.  The other has been on this journey, with its peaks and valleys, for over 40 years.  Now, together, we find that we are united as sisters in our faith, in our convictions, and in our mutual desire to share about the sure hope we’ve come to believe in and trust.

The idea of a blog was derived from a kindred desire to respectfully communicate with our friends and loved ones, inviting all to our site with the understanding that some may have no interest at all in what we have to say.  On the other hand, there may be some of you who are curious — looking for hope, seeking to understand, or merely finding yourself unsettled at what’s happening in our country and in the world these days.  We hope you’ll be open-minded and more than a little intrigued by what we are wanting to write about and share with you.  Some of you may be surprised to learn of our abiding Christian faith and deep convictions.  For those of you who know us (and for those we haven’t yet met), we are not caricatures — we are your daughters, sisters, mothers, neighbors and friends.  So please hang with us!

We welcome you to this new venture of ours and hope you’ll stay and take part in the conversations!

Holding fast,

Lisa and Lori

So that by two unchangeable things (God’s promise and His oath), in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. ~ Hebrews 6:18